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Elements of a Results-Oriented Workplace Wellness Program

By Wellsource, Inc.

Is your wellness program raising your blood pressure? Developing initiatives, administering a health risk assessment, and encouraging participation can be challenging. Here's what the most successful wellness programs include, according to research by the American College of Sports Medicine.

  1. Strong Top Management Support – program support from executive-level champions.
  2. Employee Ownership and Involvement – wellness committee with employee representation to provide input and evaluate initiatives.
  3. New Program Development – wellness initiatives and programming selected based on HRA data and participant feedback.
  4. Program Aligned with Business Objectives – wellness initiatives designed to increase productivity, control costs, boost profitability, and support the mission of the organization
  5. Effective Communication – regular communication with all levels within an organization to encourage participation and promote healthy living.
  6. Wellness Commitment – from management and participants to create a supportive environment and culture of health.
  7. Reporting/Tracking Program – established plan for collecting wellness program data, tracking results, and evaluating outcomes.

Want a data-driven customizable HRA to enhance your wellness program? Contact Wellsource today to learn more about our health technology tools.

Tags: Wellness Programs

"Good health is your greatest asset. You will never regret a decision to take better care of your health."

Don Hall, DrPH, CHES, Founder Wellsource
