Health and Wellness Blogs

Balance Ball Craze: Why So Many Employees Are Swapping Out Their Office Chairs

Written by Wellsource | Jun 12, 2014 4:40:00 PM

It’s unfortunate, but true: most of us have bad posture. This is especially true for those that sit in an office chair every day. The presence of a back support and easy-to-reach arm rests make it easy for employees to feel comfortable enough to slouch or hunch over. When this poor posture continues for 8 or more hours, it not only causes back and neck problems, but it can contribute to a weak core. What some companies are doing as a part of their workplace wellness program is to swap regular office chairs for a balance ball. This ball, which is typically meant for exercise, provides many benefits for office workers, including: 

·       The need to pay attention to their posture. There is no back support and there are no arm rests to lean on, which means that employees are always aware of how they are sitting. After all, if they slouch too much on a balance ball, they might fall off.


·        A small workout for the ab muscles. Who doesn’t love to fit in a little exercise without really trying? When your employees sit on the exercise ball, they can strengthen their core muscles, which is one of the most important areas of the body to strengthen.


·        Small movements, which can increase the ability to focus. Sitting idle in a chair requires virtually no physical activity. Sitting on a balance ball, on the other hand, requires balancing, which can get employees thinking harder and problem solving more.  


Afraid to give up a chair completely? Start gradually by swapping out an exercise ball for the regular office chair for 30 to 60 minute increments throughout the day. It’s a great way to get employees moving and feeling great while working.