Health and Wellness Blogs

New Employees: 5 Ways to Make Them More Comfortable

Written by Heather Tourville | Nov 25, 2014 7:29:00 PM
Starting a new job can be overwhelming for any new employee. As an organization, finding ways to make a new employee feel welcome can make the transition easier for everyone. Taking a few steps to go beyond the standard orientation and tour of the office can have a major impact on the latest addition to your company and can be made a part of your employee wellness program.  
1)     Let co-workers provide the tour of the office. This will give the new hire a chance to learn the secrets that co-workers have, such as where they take a break when the going gets tough, where the coffee is stashed, and where to look for special treats throughout the day. This also gives the new employee a chance to bond with a co-worker or two.
2)      Treat new hires to lunch on their first day and include a few co-workers. Rather than forcing new hires to sit by themselves in the break room, take them to lunch, along with a few others, and bond over a good meal.
3)      Stop in for friendly conversation. Try not to make the first few days all about work, policies, and paperwork. Let the new hire break into the routine slowly by offering breaks with friendly and personal conversation.
4)      Let the new hire in on secrets. Try to give your newest employee as much information as possible on the first day. This means information about where to find excess office supplies, where to go to if technology goes on the fritz and when information is needed that no one else seems to have, such as the receptionist or HR personnel.
5)      Provide the new hire with contact information for everyone in the office. If your company thrives on interoffice email, make sure that each employee has a list for everyone. If your office is on social media, send your new hires an invite to join. This will make them feel like a part of the community right away.