Health and Wellness Blogs

The Aging Brain, Part 2 – Maintaining Brain Function with Age

Written by Wellsource | Mar 11, 2015 7:10:00 PM


As we discussed in our last entry, understanding the way the brain ages is a key part of health assessment as patients grow older. Research has overturned many of the myths around older brains that make people believe that greatly decreased cognitive function is an unavoidable part of aging, and knowing how to maintain and restore memory and brain function can help even elderly patients stay sharp for many years to come. In this post, we'll talk about some of the things that can help aging brains continue to function as well as possible.

  • Exercise – While many people focus on brain activities as a way to maintain memory and cognitive function, exercising the rest of the body can have a positive impact on brain performance. Even exercise as simple as walking for 30 minutes every few days can improve attention span and memory in aging adults, as well as spur the growth of new nerve cells and strengthen synapses.
  • Diet – Several types of foods have been found to help maintain brain activity. For instance, the fatty acids found in wild-caught salmon is known to reduce the risk of stroke and dementia, as well as increase blood flow and combat depression.
  • Plasticity – Brain function will begin to naturally slow after age 50, but that doesn't mean the trend can't be reversed. When aging people continue to mentally challenge themselves to learn new things even as brain function naturally declines, their brains will continue to create new neural pathways that improve overall cognitive function. This process is called "brain plasticity."

For more great tips on healthy aging and other health matters, contact Wellsource at (800) 533-9355.