Health and Wellness Blogs

The Top Distractions that Decrease Workplace Productivity

Written by Wellsource | Aug 22, 2014 8:05:00 PM

Distractions at work can cause a decrease in productivity and increase the stress levels of your employees, putting their health at risk. These distractions are everywhere -- some obvious, and others not as much. Some distractions are obvious and can be fixed by asking co-workers to quiet their phone conversations or not allowing interruptions at their desk for a certain time period. Other distractions are not as obvious, but are making it very difficult for your employees to work:  

1)     A cluttered desk – If your employees’ desks look as if no one has touched them in a few months, chances are that they are a distraction to them. Whether it is a post-it note catching their eye reminding them of a forgotten task, or the sheer mountain of papers that simply do not let their eyes focus on their task at hand, it needs to be handled. A desk should be visibly attractive in order to make the workspace conducive to productivity.


2)     Technology distractions – Technology is wonderful; it allows us to do so many different things that we couldn't do in the past, but it can also be a major distraction. Encourage your employees to set certain blocks of time to handle emails, social media responses, etc. When they try to manage these items on an ongoing basis without having dedicated work time, the task at hand will rarely get completed without distraction, making it hard to focus back and forth between tasks.


3)     Lack of sleep – Not getting enough sleep can make it nearly impossible to focus throughout the day. As it becomes harder for your employees’ brains to wrap around what they are working on, it is easier to fall prey to the many distractions that are surrounding them. Give your employees helpful tips in your newsletters or on bulletins throughout the office to help them get a good night’s rest every night.


4)     Dehydration – Not drinking enough water throughout the day can also make it difficult to focus. The more dehydrated your employees are, the more tired their bodies become. This means that they are less likely to stay on task, bringing their productivity levels down. Encourage the consumption of water throughout the day by providing a water cooler on each level, making it easy for everyone to stay hydrated.


5)     Meetings without agendas – Company or department meetings that seem to drag on and on without accomplishing the task at hand can also be distracting. Pulling employees away from their individual work to sit through a meeting that has no concrete structure can cause your employees to stop focusing on their work and, instead, stress about the content of the meeting. Before conducting a meeting, have an agenda set, and make sure that it is followed to get everyone out in a timely manner and to decrease the stress on your employees.