Health and Wellness Blogs

Wellsource Donation Improves Health of High School Music Program

Written by Wellsource, Inc. | May 17, 2018 4:35:50 PM

The sound of music...pick the right song, and it can make you feel good, relaxed, maybe even lower your blood pressure. But if an instrument in the mix is out of tune, like a timpani in the band, it’s just not the same.

It’s a lot like the impact poor lifestyle habits can have on your health. If you can do something about it, like improve your diet, exercise more, reduce stress, or give somebody else a hand, you should.

So that’s what we did for the Philomath High School (Philomath, Ore.) music program.

Wellsource team player Gary Johnson, who helped design an upcoming product release for our WellSuite® IV Health Risk Assessment solution, heard the health of the school’s music program wasn’t exactly in great shape.

The music department at Philomath High School (not far from Wellsource headquarters in Clackamas, Ore.) needed new instruments. At 50 years old, the timpani was already at risk of falling flat, but at $11,000, the cost to replace it was a lot more than the program’s budget.

So we staged an intervention of sorts. Wellsource contributed $8,000 toward a new timpani set, along with a personal donation by Gary Johnson.

And now the band sounds and feels a lot better, says Dr. Daniel Johnson, director of performing arts at Philomath High School. 

“Your gift allowed me to purchase a new timpani, which was nearly 50 years old, for the program,” said Dr. Johnson. “I was left speechless by your generous donation. The students of Philomath High School have benefited greatly through your generosity.”

Sometimes it’s the small things, whether that’s supporting a worthwhile cause, or encouraging people to live healthier lives, that make all the difference.

Read about Wellsource’s other core values and how they play a role in everything we do.