Health and Wellness Blogs

Where Population Health and Healthcare Marketing Strategies Meet

Written by Wellsource, Inc. | Dec 22, 2020 4:00:00 PM

Recently, Wellsource CEO Chris McReynolds joined an episode of the touch point podcast to discuss the ways that population health and healthcare marketing strategies share common goals—and increasingly, common strategies to achieve those goals. 

Wellsource has spent the last 40+ years creating engaging HRAs for population health practitioners, and more recently has developed a line of condition-specific HRAs for healthcare marketers to use in service line growth campaigns. In both scenarios, the high-level goal is to motivate people to make meaningful changes in their lives and improve their health longterm.

Using digital strategies and engagement tools - like health risk assessments - are one way to unite marketing and population health initiatives into one continuous approach to improving health outcomes. 

Listen in on the full podcast episode below to hear Chris discuss how health systems can leverage digital strategies to educate, motivate, and engage people in healthier behavior.



Here are three of our favorite moments from the the discussion between Chris McReynolds and podcast host Chris Boyer:


The need for coordination in patient experience across population health initiatives and healthcare marketing campaigns:

The most successful population health strategies, digital or otherwise, are those that offer a holistic view of care and take advantage of every patient interaction to address those gaps in care.

- Chris Boyer


The importance of understanding a person's total wellbeing, and personalizing your approaches to that understanding:

Today [the health and wellness] industry is starting to wake up to the idea that it's not a one-size-fits-all approach. You have to take into context the individual—their home life, their situation financially, their relationship to food—all of these external factors ultimately come together to lead to the full picture of health. If you're going to make substantive changes to those things, you have to understand as much of that picture as possible. 

- Chris McReynolds


The shift from educating to motivating patient populations:

The goal, the Holy Grail, is to move from an extrinsic motivation, "I'll give you this incentive," to an intrinsic motivation, empowering people to say, "you know what, I am choosing to do this for me." That's the target for organizations like Wellsource or anyone in the healthcare community. Because when you get to that place, you start seeing real and long-lasting change. 

- Chris McReynolds


Are you considering how to best meet the needs of your population? The 2020 Wellsource Annual Data Review focused on the social determinants of health insights you can learn from HRA data, and analyzes self-reported health and lifestyle HRA data from more than 24,000 individuals covered by Medicaid to see the influence common social determinants of health measurements might have on overall population health.